صفحة 1 من اصل 1
Hello guys!
One SOfaz has infOrm me tO pass this message tO everyOne here. He mentioned that if there is any updates abOut SOfaz's activities and etc, dO check at SOfaz's Myspace itself. They will be dOing the updates at MySpace instead. This is because there is sOme technical prOblems in the fOrum currently.
As yOu can see, ntah ape2 bahasa yg kluar kat forum nie.. hehe
sOo tO all, hOpe yOu guys can be patience while waiting fOr the fOrum tO be fixed frOm under maintenance. hehe.. Thankz..
asl lah tetiba je speaking london nie?? hehe tapi harap semua faham kan?? banyak2 kan la bersabar ye.. hehe
peace n luv
*one btol kan kalau saya salah.. huhur..
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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